Preach it sis Podcast


Preach it Sis Pod



Podcast Cover Design

Illustration Design

Logo design

Preach It Sis is a podcast that explore transitional struggles Christian women face in this modern day and age. Brought you to by Abisoye, Josephine, Kenyeh & Roselyn. I had the awesome pleasure on developing the initial podcast cover and logo design for the launch of the podcast in 2021.

Podcast Cover

Approaching the project we had an idea in mind for what the cover should be. I developed the female character snapping her fingers. We established early in the process to target a female audience. A pink, red, white colour scheme was the right approach in development and stuck with it for the final design.

Podcast Logo

Using initial discussions I looked for way to have the word “Preach” stand out. Knowing the target audience the aim was to draw attention to the cover as soon as possible.

Marketing Graphics